
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Teens and their 'impending doom'-at least that is how they see it!

I remember being a teenager.  Everything that happened was always an 'emergency' or 'if ...happens I am going to just die".  I said that about a million times and I am still here.  I am listening to my 16 yr old son describe his latest life problem.  People at school are not (and I quote) "giving me the respect I deserve".  Honey, I have news for ya, there are going to be people throughout your life that don't give you the respect you deserve or feel that you deserve.  I am talking about employers, co-workers, friends, your wife and kids...and the list goes on.  Life is not fair nor is it easy.  I do not believe that God ever once said that you would always be given respect or an easy life.  As a matter of fact, He says that there WILL BE trials and suffering.  Although, He DID say that he would be there to comfort, support, and guide you through those trials and suffering.  This is not just for adults, it is for people of all ages including teenagers.  But, if you remember, teenagers only see the "right now", and everything that happens in the "right now" is their impending doom!  I just can't wait to see what kind of emergencies come up when he gets home tomorrow.  It is never a dull house!  All I can say is........"aaahhhh, the joys of parenting"!  :)

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